Tuesday 16 April 2019

2019 YouTube Demographics [New Data]

Conventional wisdom tells you that every organization’s target audience gets a consistent dose of video content from YouTube. But, in reality, assuming your exact buyer persona frequents the video platform is a risky move to make.

To truly build a presence on YouTube, you need to know if your target audience actually watches content on the video platform. Otherwise, you could waste a ton of precious time and resources creating content that your buyer persona will never see.

If you want to avoid this mishap and make sure YouTube is a viable marketing channel for your brand, we’ve got you covered. Read on to learn about the video platform’s age, geography, gender, education, and household demographics.

2019 YouTube Demographics

YouTube Age Demographics

YouTube Geography Demographics

YouTube Gender Demographics

YouTube Education Demographics

YouTube Household Demographics

from Marketing https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/youtube-demographics

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